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[way ot] superbowl

  To be simple, nudity, is a crime, according to the FCC...  I only mention 
responsibility, because that is something that most folks do not remember when 
they mention their rights...  As far as the deliberate-ness of it, she has 
already admitted culpability...  
David Utley
Cable Volkswagen

Quoting Kent McLean <kentmclean@mindspring.com>:

> "David Utley" <mr.utility@highstream.net> wrote:
> > It is a Federal crime to do what they did, so sayeth the 
> > FCC, so regardless whether I think it is right or not, I think 
> > they should be responsible and pay for their offenses ...
> Whether the incident was a crime or not is up to a court, 
> some lawyers, and a jury to decide. Was it a bare breast, 
> or was it covered by the medallion? Was it an expression
> of opinion, covered by the 1st Amendment? Was the act
> intentional (to get  publicity), or was it an accident (a 
> wardrobe malfunction)? Did it violate the law, or did it 
> skirt the law?  I don't know the answers to these questions.
> If the court finds her or Justin not guilty, does that make
> it right? Will some people be any less offended? Will the 
> children feel better about what they saw and what they
> were told?  I don't know the answers to these questions, 
> either.
> You also wrote:
> >  Is it possible that this is a bit of an over-reaction?  
> Yes. That was one of the best Superbowls ever, and 
> no one talks about the game.
> Kent