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Where is the engine code??

Neptuno wrote:
> --- Dan Bubb <jdbubb@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Neptuno" <neptunonc@yahoo.com>
>>To: <Scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
>>Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 2:45 PM
>>Subject: Where is the engine code??
>>>Ok so someone I know is selling what he claims is
>>>an engine from an 85 GTI. 
 >>I believe the engine serial number and code are
 >>stamped into a pad that is on the top front of the
 >>block (as installed in the car) just in front of
 >>cylinder numbers 3 and 4. Usually, it's rusted
 >>over, but a little sandpaper will clean it up.
 >>Also, the 85GTI didn't come with a JH. RD or HT
 >>IIRC. Mostly the same as a JH but 10:1 CR and
 >>hydraulic head.
 > Which fuel management did it it use.....IIRC the heads
 > on my little 1.7 are solid and I'm not sure that
 > swapping this other in could be possible if they don't
 > run the same management.....Also I have always just
 > hear that JH heads used with 3A bubble blocks to keep
 > the CIS in are solid.
 > Tony
 > (showing how little I know)

The A2 chassis 1985 GTI came w/ a high compression 1.8 liter motor w/ 
hydraulic valves. The fuel injection is CIS-E;
You can switch to the CIS that's in your car now. Or you can switch 
over the CIS-e from the donor car but it's a lot of work.

If the car is a JH, it's not from an 85 GTI, if it's the RD we think 
it might be you'll need to either detune it a bit or graft a knock 
sensor system
   into the ignition, it's not hard I can send you a schematic (and of 
course there are a few well done web pages out there with 
instructions. [minus one now]). Damn, where are those delete 
characters?  ;])

Get back to us with more details, as well as how much of the motor you 
are thinking of getting; long block, short, any accessories? Any bits 
and pieces?
