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The drive home from work
The Car's!
And she called me while doing this to brag!
(love you hun, mean it)
Ellen's paint/ pool boy.
(husband's are just goodlooking lawnmowers)
Ellen Northam <n3745n@yahoo.com> wrote:
Talk about good for your ego:
Tooling down the interstate and a Pontiac Grand Am catches up to me and
smiles (cute, probably a frat boy). I smile (okay sort of a smirk back
at him). He laughs as I push the accelerator down (didn't even have to
downshift) and I wave "buh-bye". I get up to about 100mph for a bit
before I have to slow down for road congestion. He never did catch
back up.
Not sure if it's better for my ego, or the car's.
'81 Scirocco (RIP)
'93 Corrado VR6 (FLY VR6)
'00 GTI VR6 (ORD VR6)
"I'm not driving fast, I'm flying low"
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93' Corrado VR6 (baby)
00' Rabbit GTI GLX VR6 (new born)
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