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CINCY CAMPING: Very Important Info
Ok so I hope that you have not cancelled the site...
I like to get a spot for a tnet that will house my g/f
and I..... We will be there for the friday to sunday
and would like to get in on the camping....
--- Dan Smith <sad_rocc@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Ok, sites are booked. We have 34, 35 and 37. You can
> check them out via here:
> http://www.ohio.reserveworld.com/ParkMaps.aspx Click
> Cowan Lake, then map 4. Couple things we (I) need:
> 1. 2 people over 21 who would like to 'be in charge
> of' sites 34 and 37. Basically, this means your name
> will be attached to the site and you will be in
> charge of who will be on your site. Also, if we have
> last minute people who want to camp, these people
> will be directed to ask you. It doesn't cost you
> anything and only imposes minor responsibilities on
> you, unless you consider keeping rowdy Cincy goers
> from destroying the place something other than a
> minor responsibility. ;)
> Here's my list of attendees, if I've missed someone
> or added someone who shouldn't be added, please let
> me know.
> Marc
> Doug
> George
> George's friend
> Chad
> Chad's friend
> Ok, that's the key stuff pretty much. Check the
> forums at www.vintagewatercooleds.com for updates.
> When I get 2 people to be in charge of the sites,
> expect a bunch of important info.
> Dan
> P.S. - None of the sites are maxxed on capacity, so
> if you're just considering camping or decide in the
> middle of May that the hotel is too much you still
> have a chance of getting in with the cheapskates.
> P.S.S. - There is a per car fee, not included in
> what I'm billing people. It's probably $5-15, but
> you're on your own for it.
> P.S.S.S - I seem to have screwed up the headcount (I
> guess double checking at 1:30am doesn't cut it) so
> there are spots for 3 (THREE) people. So, if
> anyone's interested, please let me know, otherwise
> I'll cancel one of the sites.*beats head* If I don't
> hear from 3 people by Sunday, I'll call to cancel
> one of the sites.
> ---------------------------------
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