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CINCY CAMPING: Very Important Info

Ok, sites are booked. We have 34, 35 and 37. You can check them out via here: http://www.ohio.reserveworld.com/ParkMaps.aspx Click Cowan Lake, then map 4. Couple things we (I) need:
1. 2 people over 21 who would like to 'be in charge of' sites 34 and 37. Basically, this means your name will be attached to the site and you will be in charge of who will be on your site. Also, if we have last minute people who want to camp, these people will be directed to ask you. It doesn't cost you anything and only imposes minor responsibilities on you, unless you consider keeping rowdy Cincy goers from destroying the place something other than a minor responsibility. ;)
Here's my list of attendees, if I've missed someone or added someone who shouldn't be added, please let me know.
George's friend
Chad's friend
Ok, that's the key stuff pretty much. Check the forums at www.vintagewatercooleds.com for updates. When I get 2 people to be in charge of the sites, expect a bunch of important info. 
P.S. - None of the sites are maxxed on capacity, so if you're just considering camping or decide in the middle of May that the hotel is too much you still have a chance of getting in with the cheapskates.
P.S.S. - There is a per car fee, not included in what I'm billing people. It's probably $5-15, but you're on your own for it.
P.S.S.S - I seem to have screwed up the headcount (I guess double checking at 1:30am doesn't cut it) so there are spots for 3 (THREE) people. So, if anyone's interested, please let me know, otherwise I'll cancel one of the sites.*beats head* If I don't hear from 3 people by Sunday, I'll call to cancel one of the sites.

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