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Dr. Bubb wrote:
> Yeah, it's probably true that the internal preload of a
> Quaife (or even a Peloquin with an 80% kit) isn't going
> to be enough when you push the envelope as far as Scott
> does! Now how exactly do you do that? Shred a tire and
> shatter a wheel?
Oh, believe me, it isn't too difficult. Ripping a tire to pieces can be
as simple as getting a puncture and not not stopping! The carcass simply
overheats and delaminates. The results are pretty hardcore lookin' and
often lead to sheetmetal damage, too, as the rubber flails around. Then,
with nothing left on the rim, all you need to do is slam a rock hard
enough and the wheel goes away.
Street wheels are designed to bend and dent, but are inherently less
rigid, therefore. Race wheel metallurgy, on the other hand, produces
very stiff and strong castings that tend to hold together better until
they reach their design limits. At that point, they may fail
catastrophically. I was experimenting at that rally between strength and
lightness (race rim) versus long-term durability with my usual street
rims. For rallying at my previous budget level, street rims proved to be
more practical.
Scott F. Williams
(reclusive scholar mode)
----- Original Message -----
From: <sfwilliams@comcast.net>
To: "Allyn" <amalventano@sc.rr.com>
Cc: "Dan Bubb" <jdbubb@ix.netcom.com>; "Mark" <mardak@cogeco.ca>;
"'shawn f'" <falzsf@mts.net>; "'T. Reed'" <treed2@u.washington.edu>;
"'scirocco list'" <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Monday, October 13, 2003 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: quaife
> Um... yeah. Up in Maine one summer, I shreaded a tire and then
> shattered
the wheel. All that was left was the hub which was still bolted to the
disk. We were left with no wheel drive at all. So... to get around that
little challenge, I simply kept my foot on the brake pedal to add some
load. That produced enough resistance for the Quaife to work which got
us 13 miles back to service. -gotta press on regardless!
> P.S. I'll officially be "back" soon.
> --
> Scott F. Williams
> (in reclusive scholar mode)
> > > I don't believe this is a true statement. The Quaife has internal
> > > and I would presume the Peloquin does also even without the 80%
> > shim/spring
> > > kit.
> >
> > i dunno, scott williams reportedly lost all traction on the rally
> > course (with a quaife installed). something happened with one wheel,
> > i forget
> > though...
> >
> > scotty, pipe up here, would ya?
> >
> > Al
> >
- Follow-Ups:
- quaife
- From: mardak at cogeco.ca (Mark)
- References:
- quaife
- From: jdbubb at ix.netcom.com (Dan Bubb)