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[TECH] Question about the Euro GTI Oil Flange .. Paul Maione please read I know you have one of these.!
--Tberk wrote--
> The pre-cooler pipe that feeds the head with coolant
> when the thermo
> is still closed, of this pipe there are more than
> one kind. Some have
> more outlets than the others, depending on the
> application.
> You want to retain a metal by pass pipe of some kind
> else you keep the
> top of the block coolant free until the thermo opens
> up. Too much
> pressure on the water pump I'd think also.
> I am basing my thoughts on removing the OEM oil to
> coolant square
> shaped thingy from underneath the oil filter mount,
> right?
> TBerk
Yes, I am removing the oil cooler box because I am
replacing it with a euro GTI (external oil cooler) .
now I could simply replace the T (runs from oil cooler
to metal hose and splits to pump) with a simple
straight hose from metal pipe to pump, but I was
trying to figure out to KEEP the same circuit (close
temp run thru) but remove the actual metal pipe (which
is in rather bad shape), the pipe pulls coolant from
the heater core, the lower coolant bottle hose, the
oil cooler box (oem install) the coolant flange and
runs those to the pump.
now I was thinking of a way to run "hoses" (ie: hidden
behind or around the engine bay) to circumvent that
I know it sounds simplistic but that is what I am
trying to acheive, (and probably end up ordering a new
metal pipe if I cannot realistically do it)
feel free to comment.