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[TECH] Question about the Euro GTI Oil Flange .. Paul Maione pleaseread I know you have one of these.!
ATS - Patrick Bureau wrote:
> yeah Paully from Montreal has on of them puppies on his 16v..
> the question I am scratching my head is, that damn 8v metallic hose that run
> around the block, is there a way to get rid of it entirely since, removing
> the stock vw oil cooler, make you rid of the T fitting, I was thinking how
> can I run the hoses so that I have a proper flow of coolant without it!
> I am still working on a diagram I wrote down from looking at the engine, but
> I am a little confused about the "hot" and "cold" lines. especially the
> water pump flow, 3 outlets, (1 with thermostat, the 2 more).. anyone have a
> diagram of coolant flow on an 8v vw engine (or 2L engine Audi same thing)?
> any ideas on the subject
> ATS - Patrick Bureau - txrocco@sbcglobal.net
The pre-cooler pipe that feeds the head with coolant when the thermo
is still closed, of this pipe there are more than one kind. Some have
more outlets than the others, depending on the application.
You want to retain a metal by pass pipe of some kind else you keep the
top of the block coolant free until the thermo opens up. Too much
pressure on the water pump I'd think also.
I am basing my thoughts on removing the OEM oil to coolant square
shaped thingy from underneath the oil filter mount, right?