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OT: Car advertising - Something to ponder

Pontiac used to use showroom videos to sell the Trans-Am this way.  Zipping 
around the countryside and taking a nice airborne jump over a rise in the 
road.  No mention of the fact that piece of road was shaped to keep the 
front end up during the feat or that the car was specially built - 
reinforced to do the trick.  The result was something like a youthful 
driver, with three friends in the car, trying the trick with his car.  The 
nose went down, the car went end over end. I don't recall if any of them 
survived.  Although Pontiac lost a suit over the case it is unfortunate 
that it takes a couple of deaths to discourage using that type of 
advertising to sell cars.  A youthful driver, without an understanding of 
vehicle dynamics, doing the same thing he had seen the car capable of doing 
in the video.  Now ads of this type usually disclose that car with a 
professional driver on a closed course (which looks like a winding country 
road) is being used, and perhaps that the car is specially modified.


At 01:07 PM 01/20/2003 -0800, Tyler P. wrote:
>I find it strange that car advertisements on TV always show cars speeding or
>doing other things that are illegal.  At a recent movie I saw a premovie
>commercial that showed the new 350 z speeding through a busy city
>endangering the safety of others just because it was fun to do.  It seems to
>me that advertising cars in this manner is the same as if a beer company
>advertised its product by showing people getting drunk pissing on cop cars.
>I mean, though both happen, its not necessarily legal nor should be
>suggested to the average citizen as a good idea.  I would think somebody
>would make this kind of car advertising illegal.
>                             __________________          _-_
>Tyler J Pease -- - -- -     \________________|)____.---'---`---.____
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