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OT: Car advertising - Something to ponder
- Subject: OT: Car advertising - Something to ponder
- From: ty@festf.org (Tyler P.)
- Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 13:07:44 -0800
I find it strange that car advertisements on TV always show cars speeding or
doing other things that are illegal. At a recent movie I saw a premovie
commercial that showed the new 350 z speeding through a busy city
endangering the safety of others just because it was fun to do. It seems to
me that advertising cars in this manner is the same as if a beer company
advertised its product by showing people getting drunk pissing on cop cars.
I mean, though both happen, its not necessarily legal nor should be
suggested to the average citizen as a good idea. I would think somebody
would make this kind of car advertising illegal.
__________________ _-_
Tyler J Pease -- - -- - \________________|)____.---'---`---.____
Network Administrator -- - || \----._________.----/
Compliance Services Intl. -- -- -- || / ,' `---'
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