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[kinda OT] opinions on Mechanix gloves
I got the gel ones for Christmas and in general, I like them a lot.
They have good tactile feel for gloves, and fit my very large and very
thin, bony hands well - can't say that for all gloves. They protect my
hands very well. They get soaked with grease and oil easily, and leave
a smudge mark on everything I touch...just ask my wife. Can't comment
on gel vs. non-gel though.
--- Robbie Cotner <robw_z@yahoo.com> wrote:
> After a new round of cuts yesterday, I've finally decided to treat my
> hands to a pair of Mechanix gloves. I was just wondering if you guys
> had experience with them, I'm mainly wondering if it's worth to spend
> the extra $10 for the gel-packed ones. Thanks-
> Rob
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