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OT RANT: Paypal is easy???
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Yeah, that guy obviously was an asshole, probably pissed because
you weren't the first person to ask that either. In my opinion, and I do
sell stuff on ebay, if you are a serious seller and don't accept paypal,
credit card payments included, you are just throwing away business.
There is protection for verified members, so at least if an auction was
a scam Paypal can refund your money. That is a small part of course.
It's so much faster doing things with Paypal, that I personally, will not
bid on something if they don't accept paypal, unless it's an absolute must
have item.
At 09:51 AM 2/8/03 -0500, Neal wrote:
>Yeah, but on the flip-side, the seller of my last auction wouldn't take
>PayPal. It took me two days before I could get to the post office during
>business hours to get a money order and send it via certified mail and all
>that. I told the seller of this difficulty, but what does he do? He gave me
>positive feedback, but then added in the comments that I was "slow to pay".
>WTF???? Asshole.
>And the real kick in the teeth? Paypal has an exchange rate of $1.95 for
>Last I saw in the paper was $1.56, 20% profit may be a wee bit greedy.
>(reminds me of a Curt Cobain song...first word rhymes with "ape")
>So I'm back to snail mail for payment after all. I set up the Paypal account
>to make exactly this sort of purchase easy.
>Did I mention what car I was buying stuff for?
>Cathy, still having a headache.
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