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Unhooked Wires at the O2 reset box, Strange looking...
The reset box is a hunk of junk; kick it to the curb and get a one-piece
speedo cable. Or, cut the red, white and blue wires coming in to it to
make the OXS light never light again.
> Hi Scirocco Lords , on that O2 sensor reset box there
> is a clump of wires , one wire that goes to it is not
> connected and is black on the end almost like is was
> cooking , then there are 2 wires coming out from the
> black box that are not connected , is this supposed to
> be this way ? It looks funny to me - Aaron in San Jose -
I dunno.. maybe someone already cut the wires and one of them shorted to
ground and burned a little? That's a stretch, but all I have to go by is
your description.