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Crossmember Braces
I also understand Eric's frustration. As I see it, the Scirocco owners whose crossmembers (CM) are not cracking see no need for the bar and those whose CM has already cracked....well, it's too late for the bar to help them.
It's a people perception problem.
I know some will say that the bar will stop/reduce further cracking. But until long term, controlled testing proves me otherwise (and this type of testing would be impossible for any of us listers to perform), I don't believe this is a valid stance...it's speculation.
The cracking is the result of long-term vibration and, while the bar may reduce the vibration's frequency (through the addition of more mass), it will not eliminate the source of the vibration (the engine) nor will it "heal" existing fractures.
Consider this a great engineering/manufacturing exercise, Eric, and take pride in the fact that you are one of few people who actually carry through on your project. Far too many of us quit before our goals are completed.
Eric, first off, I like the design you've chosen - it definately addresses
the problem of helping redistribute the up/down forces that engine torque
places on the crossmember. If I had an extra $125 lying around right now,
I'd probably order one. BUT, when you design/sell a product, it's always a
good idea to make the product appeal to as many people as possible. You
could shut up the nay-sayers by adding a simple welded in triagle on each
end. Even if you don't "need" the side load rigidity, a couple of extra
welds and two small triangles of steel would probably make your bar a bit
more marketable... I sense quite a bit of frustration on your part - and
understandably so, but this bar is a remedy for a problem that doesn't show
up on too many of our cars. BUT, with more and more people upping their
horsepower in their Sciroccos recently, I bet you'll be getting some more
interest soon. Why not make a small run of 10 or so bars to keep on hand.
Enough of us know about your bar that listers/vortexers will refer people
with questions of stress cracks to you in the future... It probably won't
make you a bunch of cash, but some extra money here and there is always
80 S
81 S