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16V turbo installation pics...
Aluminum is easy to work with in terms of cutting, drilling and bending but
it's a little more difficult to get a good looking thin weld when joining
thin aluminum tubing. It also is more prone to tarnishing and denting or
scratching than T304 stainless. Lastly, aluminum transfers heat much more
readily than T304, which might help a hair on the pre-intercooler side but
is likely to hurt a little on the post-intercooler side. On that note, I'm
seriously considering getting my intake manifold coated with that
"cermachrome" stuff offered by Performance Coatings in Auburn, WA.
AC and PS rule! :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Bubb [mailto:jdbubb@ix.netcom.com]
> Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 11:01 AM
> To: Bradley Peet; Scirocco List
> Subject: Re: 16V turbo installation pics...
> Curious why you want to go all stainless? My setup (if I ever finish it!)
> will be all aluminum on the intake side and all stainless on the exhaust.
> Yes, the AC and PS are necessary when you get to be an old fart like me. I
> just couldn't see a clean way to get the tubes to the intercooler
> so went to
> a water/air intercooler. One of these days I'll get this thing
> done and post
> some pics of my particular solution.
> Dan
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