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16V turbo installation pics...
Right now most of the tubing you see is aluminum. Anything that isn't
aluminum is T304 stainless steel (like the 3" pipe going from air filter to
turbo, and the 2.25 to 3" transition piece). The plan is to phase out the
aluminum with T304 eventually. Sure wish I had a TIG welder!
Another thing worth nothing is that I still have the A/C in this car and
plan to keep it. So that definitely affected the boost tube plumbing and
intercooler selection.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Bubb [mailto:jdbubb@ix.netcom.com]
> Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 7:01 AM
> To: Neal Tovsen; Anthony Pelletier; Bradley Peet
> Cc: Scirocco List
> Subject: Re: 16V turbo installation pics...
> I was definitely not happy when I found out the u-bends I ordered for my
> nephew's turbo installation were aluminized. When you're tig welding it
> makes is very difficult to see the weld puddle so you can't
> really tell what
> you're doing. Welds came out not as good as I had hoped.
> http://scirocco.dhs.org/vw/list/D_Bubb/JH_turbo/IC_pipe_to_TB_448.jpg
> OTOH you can see what you're doing welding aluminum so if you can keep the
> tungsten eletrode out of the weld puddle ;^) is comes out pretty good.
> http://scirocco.dhs.org/vw/list/D_Bubb/JH_turbo/Probe_IC_modified_459.jpg
> TIG welding equipment is more expensive, but I think you have a lot better
> control with a tig so the welds look better.
> Dan
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