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GRM question

Here can be found the fountain of all GRM knowledge:


I would definitely get a subscription to the magazine. Even without the
rules and status of any potential "2004 Grasroots Motorsports
Challenge", it pretty much kicks ass. I've met most of the full-time
crew (the magazine is published in Eastern FL), and they're really cool
guys. Per Schroeder in particular is really into autocross, and
literally "wrote the book" on VW performance...


On Sat, 2003-04-12 at 17:43, Dan Smith wrote:
> I'm thinking about considering next year's GRM. Is it always held in
> the same location? If not, when do they annouce where it will be? Is
> there a limit to how big the team can be? How do sponsers work? If I
> were to use a car I already had, would the purchase price of it count
> against the $2004? Is there an FAQ/rules posted somewhere? (I haven't
> checked the website yet.) Money aside, I bet I could have a pretty
> competive car...
> Dan
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