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need advice on adjusting the shift linkage
On 5/16/02 10:40 AM, "Jeff Toomasson" <jtoomasson@yahoo.com> wrote:
> 1st gear seems to be right in between where 1 and 3
> usually are. And reverse I right in between where R and 1 usually are. I =
> even get the car in R without pushing down.
Tell your fianc=E9 you'll need her quick assistance in 10 minutes. Go to the
car and put it in 1st gear, then jack up the front. Loosen the bolt that
clamps down on the front end of the long rod that comes from the shifter
(the one that runs under the car), so that the rod can move freely inside
the clamp.=20
Now the shifter should move freely from side to side, even though the trann=
is still in 1st. Don't shift out of 1st. If you do, you'll have to get it
into first by fondling the levers directly on the tranny. Remember, you onl=
have 10 minutes.=20
Go get your fianc=E9 and bring her to the car. Pull the shifter over to the
reverse lockout tab, where you want 1st to be. (it actually works best if
you pull it away from the lockout about 1/8", to account for future wear)
Tell your fianc=E9 to hold the shifter exactly there, and to not pull back on
the shifter at all.
Crawl under the car, and tighten that bolt up good.
Verify that the shifting is right.
Thank you fianc=E9 for the help, and say that you couldn=B9t have done that
without her. (chicks dig this, makes 'em feel like you're a team, and that
you're vulnerable in a manly sort of way)
Tell her you're done, and that you'll be in shortly to help with the weddin=
plans. (scoring major points here)
You gotta hang on tight to a woman who will go and have dinner with 25
scirocco-heads. You lucky dawg, you.
PS, sounds like your manual clutch cable is a little out of adjustment.
After work (with the motor cool, and all) pop the hood, and grab the clutch
cable right above the adjuster. Pull straight up, to lift up the clutch
lever arm. Turn the white plastic adjuster to take up the slack, leaving
1/8" play. Should be great