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In search of a good main ground location
- Subject: In search of a good main ground location
- From: treed2@u.washington.edu (T. Reed)
- Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 15:50:48 -0800 (PST)
Hey all,
A couple days ago after being away from my car for about 2 weeks I went
out to start it and when I turned the key all the gauges and lights
started going crazy. Recognizing this as a symptom of a bad
ground, I popped the hood and cleaned and reconditioned my main
battery ground (4 ga), which promptly fixed the problem. The resistance
from the battery negative to the chassis dropped from 12.6 ohms to 0.00
ohms after doing that.
The thing is: the ground wasn't dirty or corroded at all. It was coated
in Redline MTL that had seeped along the tranny bolt on to the connector.
It's been so long since I replaced the factory grounding strap on my car
that I can't remember where it went to originally but I think I need to
move it to a different tranny bolt that isn't as susceptible to oil
Anyone know of a good one?
(Heh, I just realized how extraordinarily stupid this question sounds.. oh
'87 16v