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no love on my posts from this morning?
On 6/6/02 8:56 PM, "Jeff Toomasson" <jtoomasson@yahoo.com> wrote:
> What gives, guys/gals?
> I was hoping you guys would give me some advice...see "power-plant dilemma"...
Sorry, busy, argh...anyway.
I think the way to go is the 2.0l 8V route, you'll love it, while
maintaining scirocco power dominance.
Here's the cost factor that I've come to, I may have left something out.
Clutch costs will be identical, regardless, so I've left them out. If
your're daring you could reuse the cabby's clutch, then it's just the cost
of new bolts.
$85-gasket set
$30-head bolts
$150-brand new Audi distributor
$120-TT downpipe
$100 Knocksensor getup
total- $835
$750 motor, wiring, etc.
$100 Scirocco 16 EM/downpipe
-$300 worth in parts from the Jetta
total- $550
So, cost wise, the 16v route is cheaper _if_ you drop it straight in. If you
want to pull off the head, and recondition it, then add:
$120-gasket set
$40-head bolts
Total up to $710.
The difficulty factor is the real kicker though. The 2.0 8v is going to be
simple. You'll just pull out the old motor, recondition the head, swap
tranny over and reinstall. You could do it in a weekend. You can install the
knocksensing system ahead of time with the old motor in there, no sweat (get
the 1.8l distributor when you get the KS setup)
For the 16v, you'll need to do a whole mess of wiring. If you want to use
the Jetta's intake, and airboot, you'll need to pull the fuel lines over to
the passenger side. PITA. If you want to make it easier, pay another $100
for a Scirocco 16v intake and airboot.
Basically as I see it, the 16v swap is much more involved, and has more
potential for cost increase. With some lister help, you might be able to get
the scirocco 16v stuff cheap. You'll also need to get the 16v version
Referee approved to pass smog. Requires much more attention to detail. I
gathered that you want something that won't impact your newlywed life too
With the 8v, it'll squeak by the visual fine. Maintenance parts will be
cheap too.
My 0.02