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Is Cincy gathering "family oriented"

Its more like #1 with more drinking and "smoking", but ya have to factor is
some vulgarities, and tasteless behavior.

Josh Able

----- Original Message -----
From: <jester@westfailure.net>
To: "16V Jason" <jason@scirocco.org>
Cc: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: Is Cincy gathering "family oriented"

> On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, 16V Jason wrote:
> > The rule is simple, folks.
> >
> > As far as I'm concerned, this is about us car guys.  If your significant
> > others and children can fit in with a bunch of car guys hanging around,
> > then fine.  If not, they should stay at home.
> See this is what i was trying to figure out, is it about the cars, or is
> it not?
> There are basically 2 kinds of car shows/gatherings as far as i can
> tell. We go to about 5-10 VW shows/campouts together every year, and these
> are the two types we have found:
> #1: Everyone is there to walk, talk sleep and see VW's every hour they are
> there, about half drink, about half dont, kids are welcome. Since 30% +/-
> of the attendees are women, most guys if they do talk in a manner
> demeaning to the fairer sex, or feel the need to share playboys, they are
> respectful of the women at the show and keep it out of their sight/
> earshot.
> #2: Some car shows/gatherings are more like "guys clubs" where porno &
> talking trash about women is acceptable, or comparing the quality of the
> bodies seen at various strip bars etc. and any women who can't deal with
> it are pretty much made to feel like they crashed a stag party and what
> kind of treatment did they expect? Any car show with a bikini contest fits
> into this category, its a plain and clear warning of what to expect.
> So, are you saying you will/would treat cincy like #2, even if there are
> women & children there?
> take care,
> Steve
> P.S. I wasnt saying to change anything about cincy, just asking what
> the situation was so we could decide wether or not to attend as a couple.
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