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Is Cincy gathering "family oriented"

On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, 16V Jason wrote:

> The rule is simple, folks.
> As far as I'm concerned, this is about us car guys.  If your significant 
> others and children can fit in with a bunch of car guys hanging around, 
> then fine.  If not, they should stay at home.

See this is what i was trying to figure out, is it about the cars, or is
it not? 

There are basically 2 kinds of car shows/gatherings as far as i can
tell. We go to about 5-10 VW shows/campouts together every year, and these
are the two types we have found:

#1: Everyone is there to walk, talk sleep and see VW's every hour they are
there, about half drink, about half dont, kids are welcome. Since 30% +/- 
of the attendees are women, most guys if they do talk in a manner
demeaning to the fairer sex, or feel the need to share playboys, they are
respectful of the women at the show and keep it out of their sight/

#2: Some car shows/gatherings are more like "guys clubs" where porno &
talking trash about women is acceptable, or comparing the quality of the
bodies seen at various strip bars etc. and any women who can't deal with
it are pretty much made to feel like they crashed a stag party and what
kind of treatment did they expect? Any car show with a bikini contest fits
into this category, its a plain and clear warning of what to expect.

So, are you saying you will/would treat cincy like #2, even if there are
women & children there?

take care,


P.S. I wasnt saying to change anything about cincy, just asking what
the situation was so we could decide wether or not to attend as a couple.