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little rubber plug inside output flange

--- rhys <sik8v@netscape.net> wrote:
> well, got the car up on the hoist...good news! the oil smell wasnt
> gear oil...

Well, that smell was gear oil because that little seal that you
described being gone let the gear oil seep out of the gearbox into the
CV boot and wash all the grease free, and that's what got slung all
over your exhaust and destroyed your CV.  Prolly.

Those seals are part of a cheap little "driveaxle flange seal" kit that
(in my experience) provides the outer seal too, and maybe even a new
circlip.  Any decent import FLAPS has them.

Now...why did the seal fail?  Could have been installed wrong.  Could
be the CV failed and the shaft punched it (indicating a CV problem -
your new axle should cure that).  Or both.

Check your flange for tightness...it should wobble a tiny bit if at

To reinstall, clean clean clean, the press/lightly tap the seal in
squarely, with a socket just big enough to fit into the flange bore. 
Don't go too far!  I put  a smear of Permatex #2 (NOT RTV) to lube and
seal before installing.

For good measure, pack the snot out of the inner CV with moly
(molybdenum disulfide) grease - synth if possible, the black nasty



Cheapass Ron
'87 Scirocco 16'Victor'

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