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opinions on poly bushings- and where do you get them?

Robbie Cotner wrote:

> For $22 JC Whitney sells Prothane brand A-arm kits for
> 80-84 Rabbits and a bunch of other A1's but not one for the Scirocco.
> Rob


I was going to ream you a new one but I'll remember back before I knew
everything & had to ask questions, like earlier today. 


The bushings for the control arms (also known as A-arms) are the same
for Rabbits as they are for all other A-1 chassis cars. (You were

The set I got from Virtual World <http://www.parts4vws.com> were a
blister pack from a manufacturer (or reseller) called Bug-Pack or -pak.
I remember them from my air-cooled Ghia days.

In any case you can install Rabbit (Golf I) bushings on your Roc, no
problem.  Mike will hook you up with what you need. (Moving day is 8/16,
they will be off-line for a while).

I have also read folks recommending Delrin as an alternative material; 

(Watch out for the pesky pop up ads though)

I found that one via <http://www.google.com>  

btw- Adrian asked somewhat the same question right in the middle of this
reply. In reply to that one I am not sure ALL poly would be best, esp
for a street car. 
Hard rubber in some places, delrin in others, poly as well- BUT what is
the perfect mix? Ah, there's the rub.
