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RE: [Mk1gti] [tech] 2.0l Swap 8V

--- Patrick Bureau <pbureau@home.com> wrote:
> The ABA block is exactly 16mm taller, making the gap between the exhaust
> manifold and the down pipe that.
> I guess a machined shim/plate could be created... I am still trying to
> source one already made (TT maybe.. web site is incomplete I need to call
> them...(my engine on its way...porting/polishing head, boring ABA block to
> 83.5mm, Ggrind cam (272 or 274, not sure yet... trying to make my mind up on
> that last bit)

  I have not seen a 16mm spacer, but one could be made...the other issue
is that now you would have to find longer studs to fit with the spacer.
Plus, using a spacer would double your chance for a leak in that area.
I'm just tring to throw out possible problems that could be associated with
the use of a spacer vs. a longer downpipe.

As for the cam, would this be on a 1.8 head?  Are you keeping CIS or
switching to CIS-E w/ knock sensor...
Would it be ok to run a high compression motor (~10:1) w/o a knock sensor?
I know that people do it...so is the trick to just always run 93 octane
and keep the timing closely tuned?  Would there be any real gain to
running knock sensor...besides safety?

Benjamin Harder
86 Scirocco 16v
80 Scirocco - project


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