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RE: New cop trick
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Wrong answer! The simple fact is that other countries have lower
crime rates because they have fewer laws. The US criminal code is
second only to the US tax code as the largest, most complicated,
document ever created by ALL of mankind. The US has more lawyers than
the rest of the world combined, and they all make damned sure they
have a steady stream of employment! If you think that you live a
completely law-abiding existence, then you do not truly understand
the scope of the laws of our country. It is impossible not to break
the law in the US. The only question is, are you in a position where
someone chooses to enforce whichever law you are currently breaking?
In our country, anyone could be put in jail if the proper authorities
were made fully aware of the actions of everyone. That is why we have
laws against entrapment and harassment. In some cities spitting on
the sidewalk is a jailable offense. Certain cities have made it a
jailable offense to pay a meter if it is not your car parked at said
meter. Other cities can throw you in jail for vagrancy if you do not
have at least $20 in cash in your pocket. And don't even get me
started about the states in which you can be thrown in jail for
certain bedroom acts between consenting adults!
Bring CANING to the US!? Why? So a cop can pull you over and cane you
for having euro lights on your Scirocco!?
The goal is to overcome the deliberate nature of the process.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-scirocco-l@scirocco.org
> [mailto:owner-scirocco-l@scirocco.org]On Behalf Of Dave Ewing
> Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 9:49 PM
> To: Scirocco List
> Subject: Re: New cop trick
> Not trying to cause any problems here but is Entrapment a
> violation of some
> type of right that we have or what? If not, how can it be
> entrapment when speeders try to be as sneaky or sneakier as cops
> with radar detectors, jammers, etc.? Sounds like we are trying to
> cripple our
> policeman even more
> than they already are. The reason why other coutries don't have
> the crime rate that we do is because the law enforcement can
> actually
> enforce the law
> instead of being crippled by so many guidelines that they can't
> even do their jobs!! Bring Caning to the U.S.!!
> Dave
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