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Re: Boycott Jim Ellis VW
i've heard of many people with bad experiences w/ jim ellis, myself
included. when i first moved to atlanta a couple of years ago i brought it
in for the gas tank recall. when i brought it in, i had one leak. it had
three when i brought it home. they had somehow managed to rip a cv boot,
smooshed my new tt exhaust till it leaked by overtightening the clamp, and
loosened my oil filter so that oil was spraying all over the engine
compartment (wtf?). the response to the cv: "it's an old car, the boot was
probably ripped when you brought it in." The axle was a year old; i have
fairly open 15" rims that now had grease all over them. pretty sure i didn't
miss it before. to the exhaust, again "already like that". then how come i
just heard the leak on my way home? and the oil filter? "no one should have
touched that". no shit. so they suck, and i don't recommend them.
unfortunately, i'll be in d.c. on monday, but if there's anything else i can
do, i'd be happy to try and help. gl,
>Please read carefully, and decide if a boycott of Jim Ellis VW in Atlanta,
>GA is justified.
>A friend of mine has had numerous customer siverice complaints with im
>Ellis regarding service performed on his new GTI. He has chronicled these
>experiences on VWvortex. As a result, Jim Ellis VW has filed a libel
>lawsuit against him and VWvortex. in his words:
><Begin Quote>
>Well, they did it. William Farmer and Jim Ellis VW in Marietta, GA have
>followed through on their threat of legal action regarding my making
>public my horrible sales and service experiences with them.
>First, to refresh your memory, check out:
>That pretty much says it all - especially the 125+ responses of agreement.
>Yesterday, I received the court order to appear in Cobb County Superior
>Court for a hearing on Monday, November 19, at 9:30 AM. Jim Ellis VW is
>suing me, and Vortex Media, Inc. (parent company of
>http://www.vwvortex.com) for libel, in an amount to be determined in
>court. They are also seeking a restraining order against me - which is
>almost funny, seeing as how I haven't set foot in their dealership in
>months, and have NO plans to do so!
>So, I'm trying to stockpile as much legal "ammunition" as
>possible. Therefore, if you've had a nasty experience with Jim Ellis VW, I
>ask that you please join me in court next Monday and, if afforded the
>opportunity, to share your experiences before the law. Remember, it isn't
>"libel" if it's the absolute truth!
>In advance, thank you.
>? George C. Mantis ? "We can melt! We can blast!
> ? ? ? | ? We can rise above!
> ? ? - + - We are invincible!
> ? ? ? | ? Push the button, Max!"
> www.ASDL.gatech.edu ? -Prof. Fate (The Great Race)
><END Quote>
>3500 miles away from Atlanta now,
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