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RE: Oil Light
Wait a minute....what was the last year of the MkI (in the USA)?
Larry sandiego16V
-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Holmes [mailto:sciroccoinj@yahoo.co.uk]
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 1:34 AM
To: Allyn; Jason VW; scirocco-L@scirocco.org; '84 Scirocco; Patrick
Bureau; Craig Williams
Subject: Re: Oil Light
Reading all of this is very interesting as my 83 (MK1)
Jetta GL (1588) had the old intermittant oil light.
I checked and changed everthing and it would still not
go away.
In the end i dropped a 2.1 and the only original parts
under the bonnet are the battery and the battery to
starter wiring. I also replaced (just in case) the
entire wirng from pressure sender to cluster.
So when i started up the new 2.1 the first time all
was fine, no flashing oil light. Fantastic.
2 miles down the road and its flashing away quite
happily. Nothing wrong with this engine (it has good
everything) so maybe just this once it might not be
low oil level (Hey it even flashes sitting stationery
outside my house at idle)
I think its something in the cluster that is causing
it but as yet i havent bothered to fix it
--- Allyn <amalventano1@home.com> wrote: > jason,
> you are starving your motor of oil in hard turns!
> read the post from Craig
> Williams. my first scirocco did that and it resulted
> in loss of compression
> on a 1500 mile road trip. oil level was perfect. it
> was due to a dented in
> oil pan, which in turn bent the pickup upward
> slightly. if it only does it
> in hard turns, its probably not an electrical
> problem. the dynamic oil
> pressure curcuit has a debouncing/filtering input,
> that means if the light
> comes on and buzzes, you've already been below
> minimum allowed pressure for
> 2 seconds. Not only that, the pressure setting is
> set for minimum oil
> pressure at 2000 rpm, you're probably higher than
> that in your turns.
> slightly overfill your oil and see if it still does
> it. it doesnt take much
> to starve the oil suction, especially if its bent.
> Heck, 'full' to 'add' is
> only like 1/2" on the dipstick.
> Al
> Allyn Malventano, ETC(SS), USN
> 87 Rieger GTO Scirocco 16v (daily driver, 170k,
> rocco #6) running - for now
> 87 Jetta 8v Wolfsburg 2dr (daily driver, 260k, 0
> rattles, original clutch,
> driveshafts, wheels :)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jason VW" <scirocco_16v@hotmail.com>
> To: <scirocco-L@scirocco.org>
> Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 5:03 PM
> Subject: Oil Light
> > I know this is never a good sign, but my oil light
> pops on every once in a
> > while. now i know that "Once in a While" is never
> fixable, but it seems
> to
> > come on under hard turning. any one else have
> this kind of problem? oil
> > level is good, the pump could be going (223K
> miles) or it just could be a
> > bad relay. nothing is hard to fix, but i just
> wanted to see if this
> happens
> > to anyone else.
> >
> > thanks
> > jason
> >
> >
> > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
> http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp
> >
> >
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Andy Holmes
91 Scirocco Scala Inj
83 Jetta 2.1
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