recap: after replacing my busted timing belt, and
surprisingly getting fantastic compression, my car ran ok up until 4-5000 rpm,
when it would buck and misbehave. turns out that i set the initial timing to my
timing mark on the bellhousing instead of TDC (doh!). fixed that, same symptoms,
except now they occurred at <4k rpm. after more mucking around, i noticed 1)
a loose wire on my hall sender, and 2) timing possibly too far advanced. reset
the timing, fixed the wire, and my car is now running better than before. tried
to set the mixture, but couldn't find a long enough allan wrench. maybe next
weekend. i did measure current at the dpr; it was bouncing b/t 10-12 ma, 1-2hz.
i know it's supposed to fluctuate, but i don't know about HOW it's supposed to
fluctuate; is that right? also, i've seen it suggested to run a richer mixture
(~5 ma). any thoughts? one last thought: i didn't see it in bentley, but would
it be better to check the output from the o2 sensor, and adjust mixture from
there? it seems like that would more directly measure exhaust gas, rather than
getting the signal after it goes through the computer... tia,
88 rocco 16v