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Re: electrical lesson for the day
I talked them into a 10% discount as belonging to the scirocco.org club.
>From their main index on the left choose ND Products. They are listed under
Massive Overkill Wiring Accessories (MOWA)
this url will take you right there:http://www.newdimensions.com/products/
I have copied that section into this email. I hope that the pictures and
what not don't cause problems.
For ordering and pricing pick on the Electrical accessory picture (not the
Euro Headlights line but above it) then MOWA harness
I called them and placed my order. Be careful they have harnesses for US
and Euro headlights wiring which is different. They were very nice.
Headlight Harness kits with Relays
Complete harness with relays for Euro headlights. Harness is made of high
quality wire, covered in attractive sheathing to protect it from the
environment. The high-powered relays allow you to use any of the high
current bulbs on the market without worrying about the fuse box or wiring
being able to handle the increased load. the ND MOWA Harnesses install
easily and include complete instructions including locations of relays.
A3 dual Euro headlights 713.94.142
A3 US Euro headlights 713.94.141
Corrado headlights 714.94.140
A2 Euro rectangular headlights 712.94.610
A2 16V grilles 712.94.611
A2 Rallye Golf 712.94.612
Passat twin headlights 715.94.615
Universal H4 dual headlight systems 716.94.620
Universal H4-H1 quad headlight systesm 716.94.621
New Dimensions Ltd.
2240 De La Cruz Blvd.
Santa Clara, CA 95050
Mon-Fri 7:30 am - 6:00
Sat 10:00 am - 2:00
----- Original Message -----
From: "Josh Hignight" <Josh.Hignight@phoenix.edu>
To: "'Don Walter'" <dswalter.wi@netzero.net>
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 2:25 PM
Subject: RE: electrical lesson for the day
> Wiring harness, eh?
> New Dimensions, eh?
> 100 dollars, eh?
> Looks like factory, eh?
> So, um, is this something found on their web page, or do you have to,
> call and ask about it? And do you happen to have any pictures of this
> harness you bought?
> Joshua Hignight
> Student Services/Technical Services
> New Mexico Campus
> (505) 821-4800
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Don Walter [mailto:dswalter.wi@netzero.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 1:17 PM
> To: Joe Doty; scirocco-l@scirocco.org
> Subject: Re: electrical lesson for the day
> Every time I read one of these horror stories about building your own
> harness for lights makes me even happier that I purchased a "Professional"
> harness right down to the connectors from New Dimensions. It only took me
> 30 mins to install and no problems. I had all the parts to build one but
> then I was already approching the cost of just buying it. Even at about
> $100.00 it was worth the investment. No one can tell it is not factory
> install.
> Don
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joe Doty" <rocco2nr@hotmail.com>
> To: <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 10:10 AM
> Subject: electrical lesson for the day
> > Did you know that relays can still put out voltage but not be able to
> > provide current for lighting? Neither did I!!! Ask me how I know.
> >
> > Putting on euro turn signals turned into a 2 hour bitchfest. What
> happened
> > was after I put them in I didn't have a right side low beam. So I pull
> back
> > into the garage and start looking around behind the light, and find a
> > pulled out of the crimp connector. I recrimp it. Ah, easy fix, right?
> >
> > WRONG! It still doesnt work, now I'm thinking WTF? Swap bulbs like three
> > times, no. Play with the connector, nothing. All fuses good. Check
> > voltage at the connector, YES, I have voltage so what could be the
> problem?
> > At this point I'm really wondering what the hell the problem could be.
> >
> > I started playing with the headlight switch and saw a flash where all my
> > relays were. Eh? Check all the fuses down there...no...the RELAY
> > went. It's warm too.
> >
> > Diagnosis: when the relay had power but was not loaded the coil got hot.
> > i.e. when the wire came disconnected the relay not being loaded caused
> > problem. The contacts got fudged up too, which is why I got voltage but
> no
> > lighting. FUN FUN FUN!
> >
> > Joe
> >
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