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Re: [mk2] misc. questions
>If it is green with a white pull up thingy thenit is for cheecking your
>ignition timing. DO NOT pour gear oil in this one. I knew this one guy who
>did and he called me and said he had filled his new tranny with gear oil
>it was running out the bottom of the tranny. His new clutch lasted about 3
>weeks. hmmmm go figure :)
That's the best one I've heard for a long time! I'm surprised it lasted 3
miles never mind 3 weeks.
I know someone who took the notion of topping-up the engine oil a bit too
literally: she filled it up to the top of the valve cover! I think there
was oil coming out of every orifice when she started it - I'd love to have
seen it.
Ewan Hopkins...
'85 Storm 2.0
'86 GT 1.8
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