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AC questions

hey all you out there in rocco-land,

it's getting frickin' hot here in the Sacramento valley, so 
I've been trying to get my AC sorted out and now I have a 
few questions about the controls.
My recirculation door only seems to close when the selector is
on the bi-level position.  Is it supposed to close on the normal and
max AC position as well?  I may have the vacuum lines mixed up
on the little vacuum distributor thingy...
Also, it seems to not blow as hard on the max AC position for some reason.
Given the same fan speed, when I move the selector switch over to the
normal AC or bi-level position, it blows much harder (get yer minds
outta the gutter).  Any ideas?

Alex Ting
'86 zender z400 roc
'83 mad max turbo roc
'97 ducati 748 monoposto

Account Manager
Millennium Solutions Group, Inc.
575 Menlo Dr. #4
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email:  alext@nu2u.net
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