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Re: Pesky leak/mildew

--- SubConSk8@aol.com wrote:
> Ok...Leak is still there...I am pretty sure its the
> antenna, but im not 
> positive...i had a rubber maid container over it to
> keep some of the water 
> out, and it seemed like the water kept
> coming...could this be the water from 
> before the tub was placed over it, or where else
> could the leak come from? I 
> need to remove the headliner, but I am not sure how
> to do this w/ o ruining 
> stuff...I dont need the headliner anymore, because
> it is completely trashed, 
> but I do need to know how to put a new one
> in...Also, any suggestions on what 
> to use for a headliner? I have heard some
> interesting ideas...TIA
> Stephen
> --
Refresh me on where the leak is? Is it coming from
your windshield gasket? Is this an MK1? I don't have
any headlines stories except that they are a PITA to
put in. I remember putting on in my bug back in the
day and boy did it end up being a wrinkled mess. My 81
has a simmilar instal for headliner and I have a spair
to put in when it gets painted (got it at West Coast
Metric before they turned against us 'rocco buds) and
beleave me I am taking my time on this one.

mark hausler
'81 scirocco s
'94 toyo 4x4
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