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Re: route to ND from So. Cal.

Just so everyone knows where to get off at to get to 41 west,
about 16 miles or so north of San Luis Obispo is Atascadero.  The
exit you will want to get off at is "Morro Rd. / 41 West"  Keep your
eyes out for the Curbaril Rd offramp as the 41 West offramp is the
next one after that.  Be careful when getting on the off-ramp, it's
short and makes a quick right turn.  There have been two cars in
the past that have rammed into the side the "Plump Chicken"
restraunt next to the off-ramp when they missed the turn. (I know
you guys will probably be moving right along)  Stay to the left side
of the off-ramp.  Proceed directly across the road to the Vons / Rite-
Aid shopping center where there is a huge empty parking lot in
front of Rite-Aid.  I'll meet you guys there.  Either a phone call
when you guys are about to arrive or an approx. time of when you
should arrive so I can meet you would be nice ;) Like I mentioned,
there's a shopping center there so you guys can grab a snack
there and there's three gas stations right there too, Unocal 76,
Mobil, and Chevron so you can top off if you like.

Unfortunately I won't be able to make the Sat. night dinner as I
already have prior plans to eat with some relatives and friends in
the area.

Date sent:      	Mon, 10 May 1999 02:42:57 -0400
From:           	Kathy Teulie <104372.1061@compuserve.com>
Subject:        	route to ND from So. Cal.
To:             	"INTERNET:veritech@fix.net" <veritech@fix.net>

> We meet for breakfast and drive up the 101.
> Stay on 101 north until Atascadero and meet Kris Rayner.
> (We need a land mark)
> Take 41 WEST, a very fun and  pretty road to Morro Bay
> where we turn on to HWY 1 and follow the
> coast.Then take  hwy 17 to get over to San
> Jose. Then cruise on up to Santa Clara.
> SATURDAY 5/22/99
> We stay at the:
> Pacific Inn of Santa Clara
> 2505 The Alameda
> S.C. CA 95050
> Shawn has a room
> Kevin has a room
> Doug has a big room
> André has a room
> Saturday  night we have a big dinner with the list.
> This is the big event. You do not want to miss this!!!

                   Kris Rayner
                1984 VW Scirocco
    1981 VW Scirocco S - Soon to be a 16V :)-
     "I do nothing in moderation but work."
               -Charles Dickens

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