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RE: Re: Fwd: Re: 2.0 Conversion questions (A1)
Actully, if you are retaining the CIS then the Audi head is great.......the
injectors are located in the intake manifold for cooler flow and the
manifold already points the right way for our Rocs. The CIS injectors plug
right in and all you have to do is modify the distirubutor or Intermediate
shaft and add a knock sensor.
Brian Honnold
'78 Rocco Ragtop
On Friday, February 19, 1999 6:35 AM, Mark Peele
[SMTP:scirocco_s@hotmail.com] wrote:
> >Why bother using the VW head? Assuming we are talking about the same
> >engine, I've used the complete AUDI engine, i.e. block, head & inlet
> >manifold and retained my original CIS setup. The donor car was a '92
> >audi '80 2.0E (CIS-E), engine code AAD.
> ***I believe Audi used a differnt head on its U.S. models.
> Mark Peele
> 1981 Scirocco S
> 1982 Scirocco
> 1987 Golf GT
> http://home.t-online.de/home/Scirocco2/mark.htm
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