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Re: Fwd: Re: Oil Pressure Survey/ clicking valves

>At 02:07 PM 2/16/99 -0500, Victor Farren wrote:
>>>doesn't the clicking valves indicate the you need to adjust your 
>valves (those w/ solid head engines)? 
>>>I get a clicking noise when I first start the car and there is little 
>oil in the head, but I am pretty sure my oil pressure is fine, so I 
>think this indicates that it is time to adjust the valves.  I am going 
>to put in a G-grind soon, so I will be doing this anyway.  I expect the 
>clicking noise to go away after I do this.
>>I am almost certain the 16V has hydraulic lifters.
>>Dan Brideau
>Yes, all VW 16V heads use hydraulic lifters.
>Mark Peele
>Anti-Christ in training
All I know about this lifter thing is that VW started using hydraulic 
lifters in 1985. You can identify these by looking at the number 4 cam 
bearing cap. In this instance it was removed to make room for an oil 

JSJackson 85 Scirocco

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