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I just found a set of Neuspeed clear side markers in my garage. The kit 
is complete and in the bag.  the only thing wrong with them is when you 
flip one of the blinkers over,the base has a chip in it. You won't see 
this when its mounted and I don't think it'll leak (you could always put 
a drop of silicone on it to be sure).

I'd like to trade for a pair of 3 series side markers. Maybe one of you 
guys has one that you put the clear side markers on... I just want the 
stock yellow and black lenses.
Mabye a set of small round (4", 5"???)speakers for my Jetta I's back 
deck. It has little clip in ones that are all torn (black grille 
w/holes- factory speaker) in it right now.
whatever you've got that's about the same price

Im sure SOMEBODY out there wants these clear markers!

58 Type1 Ragtop
84 Jetta uGLi

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