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Re: Corrado Brakes -- Physics Question: Are they pointless?
a few feet is astronomical to some people, broaden your horizions and
you'll see, 2 feet means...
you can be full throttle for ~2 more feet
you can apply the brakes before the apex 2 feet later
you save an average of .02 seconds per corner
average auto-x course has 4-6 braking required turns (guestimating)
thats over a half second advantage just in the corners alone,
you'll get the trophy, you'll get the money, you'll get the chicks
so in conclusion 11" rotos will get you LAID*!
aint that worth it??
* this in no way gaurentees that you will get laid, its a generally
assumption, not valid in some states, employees and family members
of ATE and ferodo are ineligitable, also exclused drives with the
last name of Meze and all rocco owners in San Diego..
> >different viewpoints I've seen in the last few days. Can you say the
> 60-0
> >stopping distance of 11's would be monsterously better than 10.1's?
> >Maybe a few feet. I call that marginally
> Since you have NO experience with VW brakes, i'll allow the question ONLY
> because you do seem to at least offer food for thought to this thread. :)
> Stopping distances will be better with the 11" brakes than the 10.1, YES.
> Since you cant improve the smaller brakes stopping distance better than
> the 11" system while performing the same mods/upgrades, then YES, the 11"
> system is monstrously better. 1' is monstrously better when it comes
> right down to it.
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