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RE: [16v tech] timing belt tensioner
Sometimes I feel sooo uncreative...(**sniff**) Now, why didn't I think of
one of these??
Thanks, both of you!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Majordomo [mailto:majord@neubayern.net]On Behalf Of
> Chris Coracini
> Sent: Monday, February 08, 1999 10:14 AM
> To: 'Scirocco-L'; 'Neal Tovsen'
> Subject: RE: [16v tech] timing belt tensioner
> special tool is called "two nails and a screwdriver." o-}>
> chris
> 86 16V scirocco
> >----------
> >From: Neal Tovsen[SMTP:ntovsen@piper.hamline.edu]
> >Sent: Monday, February 08, 1999 1:44 AM
> >To: Scirocco-L
> >Subject: [16v tech] timing belt tensioner
> >
> >Where do I find the tool to adjust my timing belt tensioner, and what
> >exactly is it called? A pin spanner? Is it something I have
> to get from the
> >dealer? Is there a specific size, or are they adjustable?
> I've got the
> >tensioner with the off-center nut that requires a wrench
> with two pins on it
> >to pivot it to adjust the belt tension. I've been to Sears,
> PepBoys, and a
> >couple of other tool stores, and no one's heard of anything
> like it. I've
> >got a few for my bicycle, but I'm sure they're not nearly
> heavy enough for
> >this job.
> >
> >I've got the other belts and pulleys off, and removed the
> lower cover, and
> >it only cost me two knuckles' worth of skin!!!
> >
> >Neal
> >
> >
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