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Re: mk1 scirocco S wanted...
Hey chris, I'll keep my eye open for you. I buy auto traders regularly and
see a Mk1 rarely but it has happened. By the Way are you considering on
making the pilgramige to Sacramento? I'm hoping I can go but I dont know yet.
chris wrote:
> im looking for a scirocco S doesnt need to run, has to have an ok body
> (unwrecked) and a descent interior, im looking for it so i can switch
> everything off of my 81 into because it is dying. has stress cracks, has
> been wrecked a couple times, rocker panels all dent up and other shit.. so
> anyone in the the portland, or soutern washington or whatever has one or
> knows of one that is for sale for a few hundred bucks email me back...
> thanks
> Chris
> Portland, OR
> '81 Scirocco
> www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/pit/8862/rocco.html
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