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DriversFest: The Definitive Guide

<In his best Al Haigh voice>*

I'm in charge here, I'm in charge here.......

So here's the story:

I'm leaving for Jones Beach in about an hour.  I'm meeting up with a 
couple of listers already, Jonas Miller and Jan Folkson.  Anyone else 
that's going, here's how to join the fun.

I'll have my cellphone with me, the number is (716) 230-0412.  While 
at DriversFest, I'll bring an FRS radio/"Talkabout" tuned to channel 
10, subchannel 28**

Since I don't know the layout, I can't really try to pick a time or 
place we could all meet...I know Jan is showing his Scirocco in the 
"Drive And Shine Car Show" (stock Flash Silver 16v - see the 
Waterfest pix at http://www.scirocco.org/list)  so if you're there, 
cruise on by.

Hope to meet a few more of you there!

* No, this isn't some funky regular expression, and if you thought 
that, score yourself BIG on the Geek-O-Meter.  For those that don't 
remember, when Ronald Reagan was shot, Alexander Haigh, the secretary 
of state, maintained that he was in charge, when in actuality, the 
secretary of state is several people removed in the chain of 
sucession to the Presidency of the US.  The fact that you may not 
know this points out a) I'm getting old, help! b) I'm a fountain of 
useless trivia.  I dare you to play Trivial Pursuit. :-)

** Why these numbers?  I don't know.  Anything to put off having to 
drive thru New York City, I guess.
| Jim Jarrett                      http://www2.rpa.net/~jarrett |
| jarrett@<NOSPAM>rpa.net                                       |
|                                                               |
|    Any problem can be solved with the proper application of   |
|   Force, Heat, Chemicals, or Money.                           |

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