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Re: It's Alive! (longish)
>>Brett P VanSprewenburg wrote:
>> What an ordeal...took me about 40 hours by myself. Fired it up last
>> for the first time, and it actually worked. :) I was really nearing
>> end of my rope, and was pretty tired of working on the car. I was very
>> agitated about turning it over for the first time, wondering if I'd put
>> it all together correctly, tightened everything, lined everything up...
>> But after a 20 minute ring-seating session in my driveway, I took it
>> a spin through the neighborhood (without a hood naturally...isn't this
>> you're supposed to do after changing your engine?
>Kewl! Somebody call James Sly of EC and give em Bretts address!!
>Im still staring at the RD block and looking to the day when it will be a
>2008 cc monster 8V living in my GLi...
>Gotta get the head fixed on the roc first....
>Congrats dude!
Thanks Shawn! Coming from you that actually means something, what that
is I'm not sure about, but it definitely means something. :)
Oh, don't call Sly yet...wait for the stellar repainting job next year!
So, when's your GLI gonna be a monster 8v, eh dude?
\/ '84 Scirocco (ITB racer 2B) | "Hot VW's, take two home. They're small"
\/\/ '88 Scirocco 16v (Show), '85 Scirocco (Winter) | - brett@netacc.net
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