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Re: It's Alive! (longish)
>Brett P VanSprewenburg wrote:
> What an ordeal...took me about 40 hours by myself. Fired it up last
> for the first time, and it actually worked. :) I was really nearing
> end of my rope, and was pretty tired of working on the car. I was very
> agitated about turning it over for the first time, wondering if I'd put
> it all together correctly, tightened everything, lined everything up...
> But after a 20 minute ring-seating session in my driveway, I took it
> a spin through the neighborhood (without a hood naturally...isn't this
> you're supposed to do after changing your engine?
Kewl! Somebody call James Sly of EC and give em Bretts address!!
Im still staring at the RD block and looking to the day when it will be a
2008 cc monster 8V living in my GLi...
Gotta get the head fixed on the roc first....
Congrats dude!
Shawn Meze
86' Jetta GLi 82' Scirocco GTi
The Fastest, Quickest, Cleanest and
best looking Scirocco in all of San Diego!
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