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RE: driveshafts +story
I agree with Steve that most likely it is a wheel bearing. If it is, then
the noise should get more-or-less louder as speed increases. Also, if
you can tell what side its coming from, then try to unload that side by
turning towards that corner. The noise should lessen significantly.
BTW- for future reference, all driveshafts are NOT created equal. Most
earlier ones had 90mm CV's while the later cars (85 &up, i think)came
with 100mm CV's
This is regarding my GF's 86 Jetta GLI.
For the past week my GF has been mildly complaining that there is a
clunking noise from the front of her car when she's on the highway. She
said it was a semi rhythmic noise. On Monday, I took it on the road for
a test. I pushed it kinda hard on the highway, and didn't notice any
noise like she described, all I noticed was a rough ride over bumbs, and
a strong pull to the left when coasting, followed by a pull to the right
under acceleration. Her shocks are really worn out, so I attributed it
to that. I told her this, and she couldn't believe that I'd gone *75*
mph. She told me that she has to go in the slow lane because it feels
like something is going to fall off. I think to myself "OK, she's
smoking crack, there is no noise, and it is solid".
Last night she again wants me to check it out, and this time she says
that it is more noticable when turning right. I'd replaced both her
driveshafts 3 months ago so if they were bad, then I'd done something
wrong, and we all know that never happens :-) LOL
anyway, so I take it out and take some right turns, I do hear a low
grumbling, so I think "ding, ding, wheel bearing" and proceed some more.
I notice that her brakes are spongy and I know she's overdue for an oil
change, so I head over to GRAND to get oil, filter, and brake fluid.
While in the parking lot I decide to test the noise at low speeds. I
turn the wheel all the way to the right and start to go, and OH MY GAWD
I hear quite possibly the nastiest noise _ever_ from the front wheels of
a car. It is a LOUD grinding, metal to metal, like an old wheel bearing
on steroids. It's bad. I buy the stuff, and when I get back to my GF's
place, I jack up the front. As the wheel leaves the ground, it moves. I
go to check, and the whole thing is loose, the lugs are all tight, but
the wheel moves like an inch at the tire. Un-f**king-believable, I can't
belive it was driveable like that!!
Well, she's driving my rocco today, and I'm using my parent's spare car.
I have a spare wheel bearing and the wheel bearing puller tool, so I
will fix it all tonight. But Damn, that wheel was loose. Scary.
sorry for the lenght,
85 Scirocco
Steven Toughill wrote:
>You probly have bad wheel bearings. i've run into very few cars
>that had bad
>CV's when cruising straight and since you notice it more in 3rd
>it sounds
>more like a beaeing to me. Try pulling the wheel, removing the
>unhooking the hub assymbly from the strut and disconnecting the
>outer cv
>from the hub. Spin the disc and see how noisy it is. You
>shouldn't hear
>Steven Toughill
>ASE Cert. VW Technician
>Volks-Tech Inc.
>cable isp today- i hope
>-----Original Message-----
>From: P R Brundell <prb@psychology.nottingham.ac.uk>
>To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
>Date: Thursday, April 29, 1999 7:45 AM
>Subject: driveshafts
>>I'm considering replacing the driveshafts and cv joints (thanks
>for the
>>previous replies!) on my 1.8 8v 1987 scala as I have strange
>>noises as I apply power (especially at low revs). I've been
>offered some
>>from a 1.6GL. Are these all the same or do I need to be careful
>>matching from different models? The noise occurs almost always
>in 3rd gear
>>but there's no crunching round corners. If the joints or shafts
>are worn
>>out, would the noises be intermitant like mine is or would this
>be a really
>>obvious problem. Perhaps the engine mounting are loose and it's
>>vibration? The front shocks were changed just before I bought
>it, perhaps
>>they're the problem?
>>I'm a beginner at all this, sorry if it's dull thinking aloud
>compared to
>>some of the mad techy stuff on this list. Keep it up!
>>cheers, Spat
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