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Re: driveshafts
You probly have bad wheel bearings. i've run into very few cars that had bad
CV's when cruising straight and since you notice it more in 3rd it sounds
more like a beaeing to me. Try pulling the wheel, removing the caliper,
unhooking the hub assymbly from the strut and disconnecting the outer cv
from the hub. Spin the disc and see how noisy it is. You shouldn't hear
Steven Toughill
ASE Cert. VW Technician
Volks-Tech Inc.
cable isp today- i hope
-----Original Message-----
From: P R Brundell <prb@psychology.nottingham.ac.uk>
To: scirocco-l@scirocco.org <scirocco-l@scirocco.org>
Date: Thursday, April 29, 1999 7:45 AM
Subject: driveshafts
>I'm considering replacing the driveshafts and cv joints (thanks for the
>previous replies!) on my 1.8 8v 1987 scala as I have strange rumbling
>noises as I apply power (especially at low revs). I've been offered some
>from a 1.6GL. Are these all the same or do I need to be careful about
>matching from different models? The noise occurs almost always in 3rd gear
>but there's no crunching round corners. If the joints or shafts are worn
>out, would the noises be intermitant like mine is or would this be a really
>obvious problem. Perhaps the engine mounting are loose and it's just
>vibration? The front shocks were changed just before I bought it, perhaps
>they're the problem?
>I'm a beginner at all this, sorry if it's dull thinking aloud compared to
>some of the mad techy stuff on this list. Keep it up!
>cheers, Spat
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