As for the tranny, sounds like your old one had a fifth gear conversion. Many people on the list have done/are doing this for the reasons you state (better gas mileage, lower cruising RPMs). That one seems like a personal preference
I couldn't follow the link, but the car sounds pretty cool. I'd *definitely* look at those records and the engine closely. I might be showing my age or the fact that I just got off a crappy call with my boss, but judging from the mods you list, I would bet the car is owned by a 16-22 yr old guy who's trying to look cool as he hangs out with a group of pep boys cowboys that mostly drive Japanese cars. That's not necessarily bad, just sounds like he was concentrating on looks more than performance since all the mods you list are in plain sight. What's with the Neuspeed upper rear without the lower rear first?
My .02
Norman Tallant wrote:
Hello again!After 12 days now...the 'enemy' insurance company ( as opposed to
mine...the 'good guys') has FINALLY sent someone to look at my
Scirocco. They say it's a total loss. Although it's not cosmetically
TOO screwed up, the front drivers side wheel is bent pretty badly in two
wrong directions, so I think they might be correct. Which sucks! I
only got to drive it for two months!In any case, they've told me that they're going to give me a cash
settlement, and I told them the value of my car. I hope I get
something close! I'll know tomorrow or the next day I think.I'm TOTALLY going to get another 16V. Two months isn't long enough! :-)
I found this one online:
In case the link doesn't work, this is how it's described in the ad:
Year: 1988
Color: Flash Silver
Interior: Black
Miles: 10100
Features: A/C, Power steering, power locks, power windows, sunroof.
Description: 15x7 BBS RS 3-pc rims, Tokico shicks & springs, euro
bumpers/lights/grille, Alpine phone/CD player, JBL power amps, Momo
corse steering wheel/shift knob, Neuspeed upper front & rear brace,
super clean, no accidents, 2nd owner, all books and records.Of course, I'm kind of picky. I don't want just any 16V, it must be a
cool one! I think that this one sounds cool....what do all of you
think? Are Tokico shocks and springs good? And is there anything I
should look out for in general?Assuming that soon I'll be the owner of a kick-ass 16V, I pose a
question to all of you:
My old 16V had different gearing, according to the previous owner. It
sure seemed like it cause the shift light came on at odd times, and if I
was cruising at ~80, I'd be running at about 3K-3100 RPM. I got
incredible gas mileage as a result! If this sounds familiar to anyone,
what do I need to buy to have this happen to my new 16V?Thanks to Jonas, Neal, and another person (whose e-mail I accidentally
deleted) who replied to my first post! And to the rest of you for being
cool!I'll post what happens when it happens in this continuing saga....
All the best,
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