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RE: 36mm gear Oil pump needed for Hydro Head?
OK, here's some more information is interesting, but that might not help
you much.
I put on a hydro head, and put on the pump from a hydraulic engine when I
first did the mod. My car is an 85, and the part# of my oil pump was the
same!! Later I found out that some of the earlier cars w/solid lifters
had weaker pumps that would need to be replaced with this swap. (that
might be what TT is referring to). My oil pressure was now a bit low
(but not far off for the 1.8 hydro engines) and when the temp was 100C
and I dropped to idle, sometimes the warning light went on. Also, my
lifters were still noisy (old and spongy) so I decided to get all new
ones when I put in my new cam. However the noise did not go away
completely, so I began looking for the 36mm pump at a decent price. I
found one (thanks Mike) and put it in. Well my oil pressure went up
significantly but the noise is still there. That is where I'm at now.
I think that the cause is now that the lift of the cam is just slightly
greater than the stock valve springs can handle. This might squeeze the
lifters together on each pass and keeping them from stiffening up. I
will put my old cam back in as soon as I get a chance and get back to
you on the effect.
What year is your car? It might already have a pump big enough to handle
the hydro head. I don't think it's *necessary* to get a 36mm one, But
you need to have one made for the hydro engines. If you don't need it,
don't get it. Not only is it expensive, your engine also has to pump all
that extra oil, which robs you of power.
85 Scirocco
>I am going to put a Hydraulic head on my scirocco soon and i
>always thought
>that i needed he larger 36mm oil pump for the hydro. head to work
>I called Rapid to order it and was told that i didnt need the
>larger pump for
>the hydro. head. Are they right? Even Techtonics says in there
>catalog to
>upgrade to the larger pump.
>Thanks, Matt
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