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Re: fiberglass undercarriage cover
Nigel Heron wrote:
> hey guys,
> have any of you ever seen a fiberglass undercarriage "cover" (one of
> those things that smoothes the air going under the car) .. i'm not quite
> sure what it's called, but i took some pictures of it:
> http://scirocco.psycode.com/under1.jpg
> http://scirocco.psycode.com/under2.jpg
> it was on my friend's 87 16v when he bought it, the car was a canadian
> model imported from germany by the guy he bought it off. Did these
> things come stock on euro sciroccos? (I think it even has vw part
> numbers on it ..)
> Nigel Heron
I threw the idea of fabricating one of these from scratch awhile back,
interest from the world at large ran from doubtful to nonexistent, for
the most part.
And here I come to find a semi stock item (at least for Audi ) has been
out there all along. Hrmph.
I picked up two corrugated plastic sheets from DAP plastic awhile back
but seeing my axle work looming I've held off. Still gonna hook up
something though, just needs to be able to withstand freeway speeds.
PS- Crawl up under the New Beetle and you'll find one there too. :)
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