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SV: What's Done First?
Change motor first, especially if you r changing motor. You
might have to fabricate some fixing point for fuel injektion
etc, if you paint after it will look neat.
Roland Johansson
Scirocco 1,6l TIC -82
> Från: Sal Guzzo <yu129742@YorkU.CA>
> Till: VWofT@onelist.com
> Kopia: scirocco-l@scirocco.org
> Ämne: What's Done First?
> Datum: den 26 april 1999 09:11
> It's alive!!!!!!!!!
> Well, not as of yet, but I hope to have my 81 Scirocco back on
the road in
> a couple of months. I dropped the motor last year (one year
ago to be
> exact), with the hopes of swapping a new motor into it.
However, I was
> sidetracked by my 84 carbed Rabbit which I swapped for a 83 FI
> At any rate, my current dilemma (which pertains to my
immortally beloved
> Scirocco) concerns whether I should paint it first or do I do
the 16V swap
> prior to the paint job. Personally, I was thinking of having
the ole rocco
> painted and then swap the motor in. Presently, the car is the
> copper/brown/gold colour which will be changed (any
suggestions- no lime
> green colours cuz the interior is brown - unless someone has a
black dash
> for me). I want the engine bay painted as well. Gotta get
rid of all the
> old colour. So what do I do....engine first or paint it
first. Thanks for
> assisting......
> Sal
> --
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