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Re: Tire size

That's what I'm running, the SP8000 in 195/55R14.  On a side note, it's a good tire,
very responsive.  I haven't noticed the speedo being way out of whack.  But here in
LA, you rarely look at your speedo.  You end up doing whatever traffic is doing.


"Wm. Josiah Erikson" wrote:

> You pretty much haveta stay with the 185/60R14 size if you don't want to screw
> up your speedo. Some people run 195/55R14 like is available in Sumitomo/Dunlop
> SP8000. I think I might do this at some point in the near future, but it doesn't
> keep the stock diameter.
>     -Josiah
>     '84 GTI (dead fuel pump)
>     '87 QSW (dead rear calipers)
>     http://bork.hampshire.edu
> SNixon5523@aol.com wrote:
> > What is the max tire size you guys reccommend for 14 inch wheels so I don't
> > mess up the speedo?  I'm not interested in going to 15 or 16 inch wheels, so
> > those replies can just stay at home.
> >
> > TIA,
> > Stewart
> >
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